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2024 BUDGET SESSION SPONSORED LEGISLATION- Click on bill number for specifics

HB0127 Property tax exemption-specified real property.

HB0133 Property tax-holiday.

HB0157 Use of full fair market value in taxation.

HB0158 Refugee resettlement plan accountability.

HB0192 County and municipal roads on state lands-easements granted.


HB0050 What is a Woman Act.

HB0053 Public Health Emergency-definition amendments.

HB0059 Prohibiting mask, vaccine, and testing discrimination.

HB0091 Health Mandates- CDC & WHO jurisdiction in Wyoming.

HB0123 Mandatory immunizations-repeal.

HB0124 Vaccination for smallpox- repeal.

HB0129 Statutory Standing Committees- federal review.

HB0160 Protect Firearms Rights Act.

HB0162 Public meetings- executive sessions amendment.

HB0167 Restoring State Sovereignty through nullification.

HB0182 Firearm purchase protections.

HB0183 Prohibiting foreign property ownership in Wyoming.

HB0201 State Auditor payment transparency.

HB0202 Unemployment compensation- promoting a drug-free workforce.

HB0211 Property Tax- acquisition value.

SF0088 State law violations by counties, cities, and towns.

SF0098 Statute of limitations-medical procedures on minors.

SF0099 Children gender change prohibition.

SF0105 Wyoming Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act.

SF0106 Wyoming State Guard-amendments.

SF0108 Protecting water from chemical abortion waste.

SF0119 Property tax exemption-specified real property-2.

SJ0003 Constitutional amendment vote requirement.

Paid for by Tony Locke
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